





驾车路线:全程约278.0公里起点:观兰食品站1.深圳市内驾车方案1) 从起点向正东方向出发,沿大东门街行驶30米,左前方转弯进入汇食街2) 沿汇食街行驶110米,右前方转弯进入景平路3) 沿景平路行驶480米,左转进入润花路4) 沿润花路行驶100米,右转进入惠民一路5) 沿惠民一路行驶620米,左转进入观光路6) 沿观光路行驶2.3公里,稍向右转7) 行驶840米,右前方转弯8) 行驶140米,右前方转弯9) 行驶140米,朝东莞/莞深高速方向,稍向右转2.行驶340米,在入口,进入G943.沿G94行驶66.1公里,朝广州/惠州/G35方向,稍向右转4.行驶800米,朝广州/G35方向,稍向左转5.行驶270米,左前方转弯6.行驶550米,左前方转弯7.行驶540米,在入口,进入G358.沿G35行驶31.5公里,朝花都/韶关/白云机场/G1510方向,稍向右转9.行驶520米,在入口,进入G150110.沿G1501行驶15.7公里,朝华南快速干线/广州城区/番禺/京港澳高速(北)方向,稍向右转进入G411.沿G4行驶480米,朝京港澳高速(北)/韶关/长沙/G4方向,稍向右转进入G412.沿G4行驶145.4公里,过下卢屋,在翁源/翁城出口,13.行驶6.6公里,稍向右转进入G10614.韶关市内驾车方案1) 沿G106行驶60米,稍向右转进入S2522) 沿S252行驶1.1公里,直行进入和平南路3) 沿和平南路行驶660米,稍向右转4) 行驶2.4公里,到达终点(在道路左侧)终点:定南村










是走低速吧, 有两条路线, 一条是经阳春,新兴,肇庆,四会,清远,佛岗,别一条是经恩平,开平,鹤山,佛山,花都,佛岗本人只对佛山至翁源这一段路熟悉,该路段详细如下:鹤山走G325往佛山方向,上佛山一环路至和顺出口,走桂和路(S267)过和顺 炭步到花都, 花都上106过花山,剃面到鳌头, 鳌头过龙潭,龙山,汤溏到佛岗。 佛岗走G106到翁源最多还有七十公里,有测速点四个。 从佛山到翁源要过六个收费站二百公里多点,路费不足30元。


31 翁源基督教龙仙礼拜堂 基督教 教堂   广东省韶关市翁源县龙仙镇农林西路24号 宗场证字(粤)J060000003 32 翁源基督教翁城礼拜堂 基督教 教堂 张文光 广东省韶关市翁源县翁城镇尚同街 宗场证字(粤)J060000004 33 翁源基督教三华福音堂 基督教 教堂 潘国清 广东省韶关市翁源县三华镇东街 宗场证字(粤)J060000005 34 翁源基督教周陂礼拜堂 基督教 教堂   广东省韶关市翁源县周陂镇老街 宗场证字(粤)J060000006 35 翁源基督教新江福音堂 基督教 教堂 梁永娣 广东省韶关市翁源县新江镇教育路一港 宗场证字(粤)J060000007
关渡是 哪个 县啊 。。。


官渡考场, 快: 深圳走广深高速转京珠高速至翁城出口,翁城上106国道去官渡只有十多公里。(350公里左右,路桥费300元以上,时间三小时多点) 慢: 深圳走205国道到惠州过龙门再到新丰,经过翁源的县里龙仙后再走30公里就到官渡了。(300公里左右,路桥费不足50元,新丰县城到龙仙镇的哪40公里山路弯多而陡,下坡时请不要空档,建议三档,自驾车推荐)
There are actually plenty watches using an ETA 2893 where you can adjust the 24 hour hand, but this is not what i’m looking for. I’m looking for a so called traveller’s GMT. In short it means you can set the hour hand to local time and the 24 hour hand will tell you the home time.Of course i’m not looking for a watch with a battery! My search is for a mechanical watch, preferably with automatic winding, meeting several practical requirements.For me a vacation must be somehow carefree. I don’t want to look out for my watch, be afraid it might get damaged or stolen. Since i love diving it must be waterproof, at least 200 meters. I like diving in warm and tropical waters, which are not to be found anywhere near the place where i live. This means my vacations are at least in a different timezone, mostly at the other side of the globe. Last thing… i don’t like luxurious hotels all the time,montblanc watches, backpacking in the far east is more my kind of thing.A Traveller’s GMT can be found on the Rolex GMT Master II, the Ulysse Nardin GMT +/- and the IWC Pilot UTC. Besides the Traveller’s GMT several high end watches like Jaeger LeCoultre and Blancpain offer a very easy to read dual timezone with two hour and minute hands on the dial. In the more affordable range, Oris makes a beautiful watch with dual timezones, the Oris Flight Timer. Unfortunately it’s not made for diving….At Time2watch you can read a full review of the Omega Seamaster GMT.I think only the fact i want a vacation watch to be waterproof needs no explanation, the other requirements do. Let me start with the second time zone.There are roughly two ways to display dual timezones. The Traveller’s GMT will have an adjustable hour hand that can be set to the local time. The 24 hour hand will tell the home time so you can know if it’s the right time to call your friends/family at home. The Office GMT will have a adjustable 24 hour hand so you can see the time of your business partners in a different timezone.Finding a watch that meets your requirements is hard enough, but finding an ultimate vacation watch seems even more difficult. Omega Seamaster GMTI’m looking for the ultimate vacation watch and for the first time i find it hard, nearly impossible,cartier watches, to find what i’m looking for.The only watch i could find, meeting my requirements…. the Omega Seamaster GMT. It has the same GMT function as Rolex and Blancpain. Keeping the 24 hour hand constant and the normal hour hand quicksets both forward and backwards. Furthermore it’s waterproof and you can find them under $1,500 but you must looks hard since there are not many available.From the above description of my ideal vacation it isn’t hard toe to a list of requirements:Yummie....Waterproof to at least 200 metersSecond timezone to see the home time and the local timeNot too expensive, say a maximum of around $1,500 used Rolex GMT Master IIThe Rolex GMT Master II would be perfect, but too expensive. I would be worried that it got stolen or customs at the airports would give me a hard time. So for me, backpacking and wearing a Rolex, just doesn’t match. That’,montblanc watches;s why i would love to find a used watch meeting my requirements for less than $1,500.Oris BC4 Flight Timer

