

Lying trough your mother



woof英 [w?f]美 [w?f]n. 纬线;织物;低吠声n. (Woof)人名;(英)伍夫vi. 发出低吠声;发低音



卧槽,同音我草,意思都是我()扌喿,只不过换了同义字,要是打(我 cao(ca缉叮光顾叱该癸双含晶o是做操的操))系统就会禁言,所以为了表达意思只好打同音。 望采纳
就是"我草"的意思 卧槽 你用搜狗 qq拼音试试 打wocao 卧槽在第1个 有些人拼速度 就打完直接空格一下就这样了



这就是我 草 的谐音知道吧, 就是我 日的意思


automatic link partly luck to advertise/advertizing
1\ automatic;2\ connect;3\ partly;4\ fortune/luck;5\ advertising;


English translation of the sentence plus! ! Urgent
1. She lives in Shanghai. 他生活在上海。 2. He’s got a new friend. 他认识了一个新朋友 3. I’m from China. 我来自中国 4. I’m nine years old. 我今年九岁 5. He’s from Canada.他来自加拿大 6. Are you an Englishman?你是英国人吗 7. They helped the children. 他们帮助了那个孩子 8. He helped the old grandparents. 他帮助了年老的外祖父母。 9. Did he clean the room? 他打扫房间了吗 10. She lives in Hong Kong. 他住在香港 11. I went to school yesterday morning. 我昨天早上去了学校 12. He cooked a dinner for us. 他为我们煮了晚餐 13. They often help other people. 他们经常帮助他人 14. My grandma usually dances with us. 我祖母常常和我们一起跳舞 15. They watched a football match yesterday. 他们昨天看了场球赛。 16.He gets up at eight twelve. 他在早上8:12起床。 17.She usually walks back home. 他常常走路回家 18.Yesterday was his birthday. 昨天是他的生日。 19.Lingling painted a picture and wrote a letter. 玲玲画了幅画,还写了封信。 20.mother said we should be an honest child。妈妈说我们要做诚实的孩子。
3.5.1. Welding Process Requirements 焊接程序要求 Preparation of the weld seams, the welding process as well as the heat treatment shall meet the requirements of DIN EN 1011; Part 1, 2 and 3. 焊缝的准备、焊接程序以及热处理应满足 DIN EN 10111的第1、2、3部分的要求。 For welding of stay bolts use arc stud welding according DIN EN ISO 14555 or other comparable DIN rules. 对于支撑螺栓的焊接依照DIN EN ISO 14555或其他可比的DIN规则使用电弧螺柱焊。 Prior to welding the welding ends shall be metallic clean, in order to avoid impurities in the weld. 为避免焊接中的杂质,焊接前应对焊接端进行金属清洁。 All welds shall be visually inspected for defects and slag. All defects and slag found shall be removed. 所有焊接应目测检查缺陷及焊渣。应去除所有发现的缺陷及焊渣。 Tack welds shall be made in accordance with qualified procedures and by qualified welders. 定位焊应由合格的焊接工依照合格的程序执行。 All filler metals used for tack welds shall be of the same composition as the filler metal for the joint. Tack welds that are incorporated into the finished weld shall be visually inspected for defects. All defects shall be removed before covering the tack welds with additional layers. After removal of defect weld seams shall be re-tested visually. The composition of filler metals shall be similar to the base material. 用于定位焊的所有焊料金属应与接合处的填充金属构成相同。 纳入完工焊接的定位焊应进行目测检查缺陷。 在对定位焊覆盖额外涂层前,所有的缺陷应被去除掉。 在去除缺陷后,应对焊缝新重新进行目测检验。 填料的构成应与基材相似。 Weld quality level group C according to DIN EN ISO 5817 is required unless a higher level is stipulated elsewhere. 除非另有更高等级要求,要求依照DIN EN ISO 5817为焊接质量等级C。

