

Here is your bill.
这是你的账单 this is your bill



这是你的账单 This is your bill
翻译:This is your bill
here’s the bill
This is your bill


3,翻译为英文 加上前几天发给你的电子账单这是我发给你的第二份

This is the second bill that I sent to you. If you are free today , remember to remit money to us,please.
please send us the fax or the internet edition of the remittance voucher.

翻译为英文 加上前几天发给你的电子账单这是我发给你的第二份


请将账单记在我的帐上”Please keep the bill in my account " v请将账单记在我的帐上”Please keep the bill in my account "
charging in my bill?再看看别人怎么说的。
Please charge my bill up on my account


1. all CTC reported accounts are listed in a single sheet, therefore there is only one page for the whole month, but all accounts are included;2. As if any single error conducted in the reported income, the full sheet will be re-check again by re-run the system.


1、Can i have the bill,please?请问可以结帐吗?2、Is everything to your satisfaction?您吃的还满意吗?3、Here`s your bill,sir.先生,这是您的帐单。4、What`s this for?这收的是什么钱?5、This is the service charge.这是服务费。6、Besides the food and wine,there is an extra 10%service charge.除了饭菜和酒水,还有10%的服务费。7、How would like to pay for your dinner?您打算怎么付帐?8、Your bill comes to 3420 RMB.您的帐单一共是3420人民币。9、Would you like to see if the account is correct?您想看看总数是否准确吗?10、What is that 60 yuan for?这60元是花在什么地方吗?11、So this is the bill then.这就对了。12、How do you wish to settle your account,sir.In cash or by credit card?您想怎么结帐,用现金还是信用卡?13、Thank you for staying in our hotel,sir.先生,欢迎光临我们的饭店。 希望会对你有用。