

beer with ice or not ,能懂了
To beer or ice at room temperature



那就要把你要点的饮料说出来。。比如说冰咖啡去冰。。Ice coffee without ice.ice coffee, no ice.
要 不然冰块融化后的水会在油中爆开,容易使热油飞溅烫伤你。
cold wihout ice cubes
中文:要冰的但不要冰块英语:But do not you want ice cubes
Icy but no ice.


3,英语翻译 开水需要加冰吗 怎么说

do you need some ice with the water?
do you like some boiling water within some ice ?
Do you need to add some ice to your boiling water?
你好!开水需要加冰吗 Do you need to add some ice to your boiling water? 或do you need some ice with the water? 希望采纳!记得给问豆啊!

英语翻译 开水需要加冰吗 怎么说


英文原文:Do you need some ice?英式音标:[du?] [ju?] [ni?d] [s?m; s(?)m] [a?s] 美式音标:[du] [ju] [nid] [s?m] [a?s]
Need ice?Want ice ?
Would you like to have some ice?
You need ice?需要冰吗?
do you like some boiling water within some ice ?
Do you need ice?/ Would you like some ice?更简单的可以直接问“Ice?”


Would you like to add some ice to your coke?请问你的可乐要加冰吗?这是最完整的说法~你也可以直接问 ice to your coke?或者更直接,就像上面的那位仁兄说的 icey coke?呵呵。。。希望我的答案你还满意。。谢谢~
Will Coke needs Jianing?
icy coke?
would you like cola with ice?
the restaurant also need to buy some cups and cola
Would you like to add ice to your coke?


哈哈,那几位回答者是不是没在国外呆过啊?怎么翻译得怪怪的?通常客人点饮料后,你问一句“cool?”就可以了。一般是客人提出买单,你拿着帐单过去问一下“bill?”就可以了,不要自己过去问是否要买单,那样让客人感觉你在赶他走,因为说不定他想多呆一会呢。是否打包的翻译就更简单了,就是“take away?” 希望我的建议对你有用。
would you like some ice drink?are you going to pay the bill?to go?
would you like some icy drink? would you want to pay the bill? do you need to wrap up?
would you like some icy drink? 冰饮料would you want to pay the bill?买单do you need to wrap up?打包
Excuse me,would you like some drink? or iced drink?Excuse me,would you like pay the bill now?