白酒的英文是:spirits。白酒英文的读法: [?sp?r?ts]。一、例句:1.Chinese spirits have been distilled mainly from fermented cereals.中国的白酒主要是从发酵的谷物中蒸馏而来。2.Spirits is a Chinese alcoholic beverage made from grain. It is a strong distilled spirit, generally 52% alcohol by volume.白酒是中国的酒精饮品,通常使用谷物制作。他是一种烈性蒸馏酒,通常酒精含量为52%。二、常见的酒的英文:红酒:red wine.白酒:white spirit/distilled spirit.黄酒:rice wine.啤酒:Beer.洋酒:foreign wine/imported wine.
白酒英语:liquor and spirits。英语:liquor and spirits。白酒或烈酒。相似短语:white wine白葡萄酒、red wine红葡萄酒。造句1、The Multivariate statistic analysis was applied in the study of Zhi Ma-flavour Chinese Spirits and its father application in the industry of liquor was also explored in this paper.在芝麻香型白酒的研制过程中,引入多变量统计分析技术,对这一统计分析方法在白酒行业中的应用做了进一步探索。2、Tax collection scope covers bran spirit, spirits made with the raw materials,indigenous sweet wine,reproduction wine,fruit wine,sparkling wine and medicinal liquor.其征收范围包括糠麸白酒、其他原料白酒、土甜酒、复制酒、果木酒、汽酒、药酒等等。