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英国洲际酒店集团PLC [伦敦股票交易所:IHG,纽约股票交易所:IHG(ADRs)]是世界上最具全球化并拥有客房数最多的酒店集团。洲际酒店集团旗下拥有、管理、出租或托管的酒店达3,800多家,共有客房563,000多间,分布全球100多个国家和地区(www.ihg.com)。该集团拥有多个闻名遐尔的酒店品牌,其中包括洲际酒店及度假村、皇冠酒店及度假村、假日酒店及度假村、快捷假日酒店、Staybridge Suites和Candlewood Suites,并且拥有世界最大的酒店忠诚客户计划——优悦会,目前,优悦会在全球拥有超过3300万会员。


金融街洲际酒店,洲际集团管理下的酒店洲际集团在中国大陆的旗舰店——北京金融街洲际酒店,位于声望显赫的北京金融街区域的第一家国际奢华酒店,功能齐备而风格卓越,宛若旅途中的绿洲。拥有330间格调高雅的超大空间客房及套房的奢华殿堂,设计融合现代时尚及传统艺术,与著名风景名胜及主要商业中心近在咫尺。酒店提供24小时运营的商务中心、健身中心、spa及室内游泳池,卓越领先的健身设施位于酒店阳光透射的中庭,动感十足;宴会及会议设施包括大宴会厅,及5个配备最新会议设施的独立会议室,适于举办高端社交活动及商务会议。毋庸置疑,金融街洲际酒店餐厅的时尚就餐环境将为商旅客人及本地消费者带来非比寻常的极致感受:“品”咖啡吧是一个纽约风格的咖啡吧,提供上品咖啡及多种精致美点;“丝绸路”,新概念中餐厅,独特设计了可作厨艺表演的中央靓汤厨房,以广东菜品为主,同时兼有其他流行菜系如川菜;“季候风”,轻松友好的气氛,充满现代感和时尚感的咖啡厅,汇聚西式及亚洲自助及零点美食多种选择,满足国际化品位所需。 “幻”,独一无二,风格变幻的时尚酷吧和酒廊,享用热烈的dj音乐及现场表演,品尝来自世界各地的鸡尾酒和葡萄酒以及精神的酣畅。


最近正好在关注洲际,不过是英文的,希望对你有帮助哈!Our culture Everyone at IHG is focused on creating Great Hotels Guests Love. Whether we are working in one of our hotels or one of our corporate offices across the world, we pull together as one company with this one goal. We want our guests to love our hotels, because guests that love hotels come back to them.Like all successful relationships, the relationship between you and IHG will involve making promises to one another. Our commitment to give you Room to be yourself is our promise to you. In return we ask you to live our Winning Ways.Room to be yourself To make sure that all of us share our purpose of creating Great Hotels Guests Love and are engaged in achieving it, we have made a commitment to our people that we will create an environment and culture where they can give their best and make a difference. We call it Room to be yourself.We may all work for different brands, speak different languages and like different things, but we’re all passionate about something. Whether your passion is karaoke or canoeing, we promise to give you an environment where you can bring the same amount of energy and enthusiasm to your job, and bring your unique personality to work.our winning waysDo the right thingWe always do what we believe is right and have the courage and conviction to put it into practice, even when it might be easier not to. We are honest and straightforward and see our decisions through.We keep our promises and we don’t let people downWe seek out the facts and trust our judgementWe take responsibility and take decisions even when they’re difficult Show we careWe want to be the company that understands people’s needs better than anyone else in our industry. This means being sensitive to others, noticing the things that matter and taking responsibility for getting things right. We treat people as individualsWe look and listen for the little things that make a differenceWe use our experience to find new ways to deliver great serviceAim higherWe aim to be acknowledged leaders in our industry, so we have built a team of talented people who have a real will to win. We strive for success and value individuals who are always looking for a better way to do things.We put our hearts into learning new thingsWe challenge ourselves and encourage those around usWe always look for ways to improve Celebrate differenceWe believe that it’s the knowledge of our people that really brings our brands to life. While other companies may want to impose a rigid, uniform view of the world, we do not. Our global strength comes from celebrating local differences whilst understanding that some things should be kept the same. We welcome different perspectives and listen to everyone’s ideasWe are respectful of all cultures and look to learn from othersWe play an active role in the communities in which we operate Work better togetherWhen we work together we are stronger. We’re at our best when we collaborate to form a powerful, winning team. We listen to each other and combine our expertise to create a strong, focused and trusted group of people.We work hard to develop excellent working relationships We think about what we do and how it might affect othersWe trust and support each other

