1. 飞机场歌词徐良
2. 飞机场歌曲徐良
3. 飞机场这首歌
醉了这山这水是这首《这山这水》的歌词 演唱者是降央卓玛
走进它 所有语言都是歌谣
走进它 所有神秘都在起舞
走进它 才懂得生命的意义
走进它 所有语言都是歌谣
走进它 所有神秘都在起舞
走进它 心灵接受纯洁的洗礼
走进它 才懂得生命的意义
4. 飞机场歌曲徐良歌词
5. 飞机场歌曲歌词
歌曲《New Divide (新的鸿沟)》
演唱: Linkin Park (林肯公园)
I remembered black skies, the lightning all around me / 我忆起乌云满天,四下里电闪雷鸣
I remembered each flash as time began to blur / 我忆起每个瞬间,岁月恍惚而过
Like a startling sign that fate had finally found me / 这凶兆惊现,终不能逃脱这厄运
And your voice was all I heard / 只能听到你在说
That I get what I deserve / 我这是罪有应得
So give me reason to prove me wrong to wash this memory clean / 给我个理由,证明我错,将所有记忆涤清
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes / 让洪流飞越你眼里的深渊
Give me reason, to fill this hole, connect the space between / 给我理由,填满豁口,将这断路铺平
Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies / 让苦楚收手,直达真理彼岸
Across this new divide / 跨越这新阵线
There was nothing in sight, but memories left abandoned / 眼前一片漆黑,而记忆也尘封已久
There was nowhere to hide, the ashes fell like snow / 没有藏身之所,灰烬飞扬如雪
And the ground caved in between where we were standing / 在你我之间,天已崩塌地已陷
And your voice was all I heard / 只能听到你在说
That I get what I deserve / 我这是罪有应得
So give me reason to prove me wrong to wash this memory clean / 给我个理由,证明我错,将所有记忆涤清
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes / 让洪流飞越你眼里的深渊
Across this new divide / 跨越这新阵线
In every loss, in every lie, in every truth that you'd deny / 每一次损失,每一次谎言,每个真相你都会否认
And each regret and each goodbye was a mistake too great to hide / 每次反悔,每次分开,都已错到无可抵赖
And your voice was all I heard / 只能听到你在说
That I get what I deserve / 我这是罪有应得
So give me reason to prove me wrong to wash this memory clean / 给我个理由,证明我错,将所有记忆涤清
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes / 让洪流飞越你眼里的深渊
Give me reason, to fill this hole, connect the space between / 给我理由,填满豁口,将这断路铺平
Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies / 让苦楚收手,直达真理彼岸
Across this new divide / 跨越这新阵线
Across this new divide / 跨越这新阵线
Across this new divide / 跨越这新阵线
6. 飞机场的歌词
7. 民航歌曲歌词
What about what I need?
(Curtis says it's the best thing for the group)
What about what's best for me?
(He feels the Dreams can cross over)
What about how I feel?
(But when we're famous, I'll write great things for you. Effie, do it for me)
What about me?
What about me?
It's more than you
It is more than me
No matter what we are
We are a family
This dream is for all of us
This one can be real
And you can't stop us now
Because of how you feel
It's more than you
It is more than me
Whatever dreams we have
They're for the family
We're not alone anymore
Now there are others there
And that dream's big enough for all of us to share
So don't think you're going you're not going anywhere
You're staying and taking your share
And if you get afraid again
I'll be there
We're a family
Like a giant tree
Branching out toward the sky
We're a family
We're so much more than just you and I
We're a family
Like a giant tree
Going stronger going wiser
We're going free
We need you
We're a family
8. 机场的歌词