MURIEL KURT是什么牌子(Muriel Hofmann)



  以下是《时代》评出的1923年至今最好的100本英文小说,都很不错。  个人推荐AnimalFarm;1984; Gone With the Wind  BOOK WRITER  The Adventures of Augie March Saul Bellow(两本上榜)  All the King's Men Robert Penn Warren  American Pastoral Philip Roth (两本)  An American Tragedy Theodore Dreiser  Animal Farm George Orwell (两本)  Appointment in Samarra John O'Hara  Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret  Judy Blume  The Assistant Bernard Malamud  At Swim-Two-Birds Flann O'Brien  Atonement Ian McEwan (一定要弄一本来看看)  Beloved Toni Morrison  The Berlin Stories Christopher Isherwood  The Big Sleep Raymond Chandler  The Blind Assassin Margaret Atwood  Blood Meridian Cormac McCarthy  Brideshead Revisited Evelyn Waugh  The Bridge of San Luis Rey Thornton Wilder  Call It Sleep Henry Roth  Catch-22 Joseph Heller  The Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger  A Clockwork Orange Anthony Burgess  The Confessions of Nat Turner William Styron  The Corrections Jonathan Franzen  The Crying of Lot 49 Thomas Pynchon(两本)  A Dance to the Music of Time Anthony Powell  The Day of the Locust Nathanael West  Death Comes for the Archbishop Willa Cather  A Death in the Family James Agee  The Death of the Heart Elizabeth Bowen  Deliverance James Dickey  Dog Soldiers Robert Stone  Falconer John Cheever  The French Lieutenant's Woman John Fowles  The Golden Notebook Doris Lessing  Go Tell it on the Mountain James Baldwin  Gone With the Wind Margaret Mitchell  The Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck  Gravity's Rainbow Thomas Pynchon  The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald  A Handful of Dust Evelyn Waugh  The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter Carson McCullers (感兴趣)  The Heart of the Matter Graham Greene (也是两本,也感兴趣)  Herzog Saul Bellow  Housekeeping Marilynne Robinson  A House for Mr. Biswas V.S. Naipaul  I, Claudius Robert Graves  Infinite Jest David Foster Wallace  Invisible Man Ralph Ellison  Light in August William Faulkner (两本,估计老郭的课会讲他,但没选)  The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe C.S. Lewis  Lolita Vladimir Nabokov (两本)  Lord of the Flies William Golding  The Lord of the Rings J.R.R. Tolkien  Loving Henry Green  Lucky Jim Kingsley Amis (这个是本科看过,泛读?)  The Man Who Loved Children Christina Stead  Midnight's Children Salman Rushdie  Money Martin Amis  The Moviegoer Walker Percy  Mrs. Dalloway Virginia Woolf(亲爱的Woolf也有两本,好像是唯一有两本上榜的女作家?)  Naked Lunch William Burroughs  Native Son Richard Wright  Neuromancer William Gibson  Never Let Me Go Kazuo Ishiguro (不是熟悉的remains of the day)  1984 George Orwell  On the Road Jack Kerouac  One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Ken Kesey  The Painted Bird Jerzy Kosinski  Pale Fire Vladimir Nabokov  A Passage to India E.M. Forster(载载本来要讲的,但因时间原因被删,个人很喜欢的作家)  Play It As It Lays Joan Didion  Portnoy's Complaint Philip Roth  Possession A.S. Byatt  The Power and the Glory Graham Greene  The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Muriel Spark  Rabbit, Run John Updike  Ragtime E.L. Doctorow  The Recognitions William Gaddis  Red Harvest Dashiell Hammett  Revolutionary Road Richard Yates  The Sheltering Sky Paul Bowles  Slaughterhouse-Five Kurt Vonnegut  Snow Crash Neal Stephenson  The Sot-Weed Factor John Barth(课上读的是他的一个短篇Lost in the Funhouse)  The Sound and the Fury William Faulkner  The Sportswriter Richard Ford  The Spy Who Came in From the Cold John le Carre  The Sun Also Rises Ernest Hemingway  Their Eyes Were Watching God Zora Neale Hurston  Things Fall Apart Chinua Achebe(俺导师好像提过这个人)  To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee  To the Lighthouse Virginia Woolf  Tropic of Cancer Henry Miller  Ubik Philip K. Dick  Under the Net Iris Murdoch  Under the Volcano Malcolm Lowry  Watchmen Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons  White Noise Don DeLillo  White Teeth Zadie Smith  Wide Sargasso Sea Jean Rhys(Jane Eyre的续篇,后殖民小说)

2. Muriel Hofmann

2. Muriel Hofmann

血染淑女中舒扮演者是Muriel Hofmann。



  以下是《时代》评出的1923年至今最好的100本英文小说,都很不错。  个人推荐AnimalFarm;1984; Gone With the Wind  BOOK WRITER  The Adventures of Augie March Saul Bellow(两本上榜)  All the King's Men Robert Penn Warren  American Pastoral Philip Roth (两本)  An American Tragedy Theodore Dreiser  Animal Farm George Orwell (两本)  Appointment in Samarra John O'Hara  Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret  Judy Blume  The Assistant Bernard Malamud  At Swim-Two-Birds Flann O'Brien  Atonement Ian McEwan (一定要弄一本来看看)  Beloved Toni Morrison  The Berlin Stories Christopher Isherwood  The Big Sleep Raymond Chandler  The Blind Assassin Margaret Atwood  Blood Meridian Cormac McCarthy  Brideshead Revisited Evelyn Waugh  The Bridge of San Luis Rey Thornton Wilder  Call It Sleep Henry Roth  Catch-22 Joseph Heller  The Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger  A Clockwork Orange Anthony Burgess  The Confessions of Nat Turner William Styron  The Corrections Jonathan Franzen  The Crying of Lot 49 Thomas Pynchon(两本)  A Dance to the Music of Time Anthony Powell  The Day of the Locust Nathanael West  Death Comes for the Archbishop Willa Cather  A Death in the Family James Agee  The Death of the Heart Elizabeth Bowen  Deliverance James Dickey  Dog Soldiers Robert Stone  Falconer John Cheever  The French Lieutenant's Woman John Fowles  The Golden Notebook Doris Lessing  Go Tell it on the Mountain James Baldwin  Gone With the Wind Margaret Mitchell  The Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck  Gravity's Rainbow Thomas Pynchon  The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald  A Handful of Dust Evelyn Waugh  The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter Carson McCullers (感兴趣)  The Heart of the Matter Graham Greene (也是两本,也感兴趣)  Herzog Saul Bellow  Housekeeping Marilynne Robinson  A House for Mr. Biswas V.S. Naipaul  I, Claudius Robert Graves  Infinite Jest David Foster Wallace  Invisible Man Ralph Ellison  Light in August William Faulkner (两本,估计老郭的课会讲他,但没选)  The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe C.S. Lewis  Lolita Vladimir Nabokov (两本)  Lord of the Flies William Golding  The Lord of the Rings J.R.R. Tolkien  Loving Henry Green  Lucky Jim Kingsley Amis (这个是本科看过,泛读?)  The Man Who Loved Children Christina Stead  Midnight's Children Salman Rushdie  Money Martin Amis  The Moviegoer Walker Percy  Mrs. Dalloway Virginia Woolf(亲爱的Woolf也有两本,好像是唯一有两本上榜的女作家?)  Naked Lunch William Burroughs  Native Son Richard Wright  Neuromancer William Gibson  Never Let Me Go Kazuo Ishiguro (不是熟悉的remains of the day)  1984 George Orwell  On the Road Jack Kerouac  One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Ken Kesey  The Painted Bird Jerzy Kosinski  Pale Fire Vladimir Nabokov  A Passage to India E.M. Forster(载载本来要讲的,但因时间原因被删,个人很喜欢的作家)  Play It As It Lays Joan Didion  Portnoy's Complaint Philip Roth  Possession A.S. Byatt  The Power and the Glory Graham Greene  The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Muriel Spark  Rabbit, Run John Updike  Ragtime E.L. Doctorow  The Recognitions William Gaddis  Red Harvest Dashiell Hammett  Revolutionary Road Richard Yates  The Sheltering Sky Paul Bowles  Slaughterhouse-Five Kurt Vonnegut  Snow Crash Neal Stephenson  The Sot-Weed Factor John Barth(课上读的是他的一个短篇Lost in the Funhouse)  The Sound and the Fury William Faulkner  The Sportswriter Richard Ford  The Spy Who Came in From the Cold John le Carre  The Sun Also Rises Ernest Hemingway  Their Eyes Were Watching God Zora Neale Hurston  Things Fall Apart Chinua Achebe(俺导师好像提过这个人)  To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee  To the Lighthouse Virginia Woolf  Tropic of Cancer Henry Miller  Ubik Philip K. Dick  Under the Net Iris Murdoch  Under the Volcano Malcolm Lowry  Watchmen Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons  White Noise Don DeLillo  White Teeth Zadie Smith  Wide Sargasso Sea Jean Rhys(Jane Eyre的续篇,后殖民小说)


Mulberry/迈宝瑞是英国顶级皮具品牌,其创始人RogerSaul,自1970年在Somerset田园中建立MULBERRY皮件王国后,一直是英国款式最创新前卫的高级皮具。MULBERRY创始人Roger Saul,自1970年在Somerset田园中建立MULBERRY皮件王国后,便将当时的时空背景精神保存至今,而皮件的真材实料和外型原创性更是吸引人,为MULBERRY翻红的重要因素之一。MULBERRY这个英国老牌,和多数历史悠久的精品一样,曾走入低潮期,但经品牌年轻化,多口袋、多扣环、多铆钉如此结合美观与实用性的设计,再度风靡全球。

5. muriel是什么意思

女生可用的天使名:米迦列:Michelle、Michaela、Mica嘉百列:Gabrielle、Gabriella拉法尔:Rafael、Raffaella我最喜欢的名字:能量天使——Cassiel(卡西欧)其他女子英文名:狼王——Ulrica(优利卡)杀手——Quella(瑰拉)朦胧——Cecilia(赛茜莉雅)柔——Claudia(克洛迪雅)辛——Desdemona(荻思梦娜)帝释天——Indira(英帝拉)无子——Izefia(义哲法)武圣——Louise(露易斯)黛妮——Danae,含义既然是黄金像下雨一样从天上掉下来。这个名字实在太灵了!!大家认为呢?春华——Chloe(克洛哀)幸——Felicia(菲莉茜雅)安——An白雪——Snow(丝诺)冰——Ice(爱丝)月亮——Celina(赛莉娜)月之子——Amaris(爱玛黎丝)朦胧——Sicily(茜丝莉)朦胧——Cecile(赛西尔)天使——Angelina(安洁莉娜)炽天使——Sera(赛拉)炽天使——Serafina(撒拉佛娜)樱——Sakura(莎珂拉)洁——Karida(卡丽妲)洁——Elina(艾莉娜)羽翼——Aletta(爱莱塔)真白——Blanche(白蓝雪)真白——Fiona(斐奥娜)雪兰——Elodie(伊洛蒂)玫瑰泪——Dolores(多洛莉丝)哀——Delores(德洛莉丝)柔——Claudia(可洛迪雅)莫愁——Deirdre(迪德黎)辛——Desdemona(荻丝梦娜)雨夜——Amaya(哀弥夜)孤挺花——Amaryllis(爱玛莉莉丝)秋牡丹——Anemone(爱妮梦)美神——Cytheria(茜赛莉雅)天后——Gina(姬娜)花仙子——Laraine(莱蕾)圣女帝——Dione(帝傲霓)米迦列天使——Michelle(蜜雪儿)米迦列天使——Michaela(米迦列拉)六月天使——Muriel(穆利尔)夜妖——Lilith(莉丽丝)春娘——Ishtar(伊旭塔)春娘——Easter(伊丝塔)河妖——Lorelei(洛勒莱)妖姬——Delilah(迪丽拉)暗之花——Melantha(魅兰莎)公主——Sade(萨德)(注:为莎拉的昵称。1740~1814,法国有一位男作家也叫萨德。其作品充满了性变态。因此之后从他的名字引申出施虐狂(sadist)一词。而sade一词似乎也有施虐狂的意思。)紫水晶——Amethyst(瑷玫夕丝)光明——Kira(姬拉):语源—拉丁语洁——Karida(卡丽妲)语源:阿拉伯语含义:纯洁中文名:洁贵地(皇家城堡的牧地)Kimberly(金铂利):语源—英语君主(难以匹敌的)——Kimi(姬魅):语源—日语太阳情人——Kyrene(姬怜)含义:太阳神的情人(Cyrene的异体)中文名:太阳情人能量天使——Cassiel(卡西欧)语源:拉丁语含义:能量天使、星期六的天使代表人物:能量天使卡西欧中文名:能量天使宇宙——Cosima(克斯玛)语源:希腊语含义:宇宙、协调中文名:宇宙聪慧(仙后座)——Cassiopeia(卡茜欧琵雅)三叶草——Clover(克洛娃)含义:三叶草(三叶草的花语是幸福。而且据说找到四片叶子的三叶草就能得到幸福)代表人物:Clamp的一本漫画。中文名:三叶草青绿——Cyan(诗安)贵宾——Aida(阿伊达)翠玉——Esme(爱丝魅)娜娜——Nana(巴比仑女神)恋——Jo(姣)贝贝——Bebe光明——Kira(姬拉)天——Skye(丝珂)安——An蓝天——Ciel(希尔)咪咪——Mimi(Sea of Bitterness)持矛帝王——Geri(婕丽)技芸——Muse(缪斯)微小——Demi(黛米)银月——Luna(露娜)、Lumina(露米娜)男女通用:沙——Sandy(沙狄)尘——Ash(艾什)天使——Angel(安琪尔)以汉语、日语、汉语为语源的MM英文名汉语:若兰——Ah-lam(阿拉姆)德——De日语:雨夜——Amaya(哀弥夜)宫——Miya(魅雅)霸王——airica(爱利卡)、Erika、Ericka(艾利卡)明君——Frederica(法兰利卡)仁君——Derica(德利卡)武帝——Kimi(姬魅)女帝——Queenie(贵妮)圣女帝——Dione(帝傲霓)后——Regina(瑞姬娜)天后——Juno(朱诺)、Gina(姬娜)似乎天使的名字会给人以大家闺秀的印象,但同时似乎也会让人觉得娇惯任浴?br>书记员——Dabria(黛柏丽雅)Dabria似乎是被上帝选为抄写经文的天使。个人认为这个名字很适合秘书。米迦列——Michelle嘉百列——Gabrielle亚列——Ariel卡西欧(查德西尔)——Cassiel爱莱拉——Arella穆利尔——Muriel在外国“小洁”这个名字似乎是很时髦的。以下为“小洁”的各种形式·Kathy、Kathie凯茜含义:⒈Cathy的异体⒉Katherine与Katelyn的呢称印象:Kathy被看做是黑发的小女人,文静、温和又善良。中文名:洁·Kate凯特语源:希腊语含义:Katherine的呢称印象:Kate这个名字令人联想到可爱外向、精力充沛、脚踏实地的女子。中文名:洁·Kay、Kaye凯⒈语源:希腊语含义:纯洁(Katherine的呢称)⒉语源:英语含义:欣喜印象:有人认为Kay是个时髦女郎。表面友善甜美,私底下擅于算计且冷酷。中文名:欣喜·Kitty凯迪⒈含义:猫咪、小猫⒉语源:希腊语含义:纯洁(Katherine的呢称)印象:当人们听到Kitty这个名字时,所想到的是可爱的红发女孩。性感、爱玩且坚强。代表人物:凯迪猫——Hello·Kitty中文名:咪咪·Katharina凯瑟琳娜含义:Katherine的异体中文名:洁·Kat咖特含义:Katherine的异体中文名:洁·Kaethe姬斯语源:巴斯克语含义:纯洁中文名:洁·Karen卡伦含义:Katherine的丹麦型式。印象:人们认为Karen是个平凡的棕发女子。独立风趣,是个可以深交的朋友。中文名:洁·Kara凯拉语源:希腊语含义:纯洁中文名:洁·Karina卡莱娜语源:俄语(Karen的俄语形式)含义:纯洁中文名:洁·Kassia卡希雅语源:希腊语含义:纯洁中文名:洁·Katelyn凯特琳语源:希腊语含义:宛若泉水般清澈的女子(Katherine与Lynn的结合体)中文名:洁漪·Kayla凯勒语源:希腊语含义:纯洁中文名:洁Cayla·Kaylana凯拉娜含义:流浪的少女或流浪的喜悦(Kay与Lana的结合体)中文名:流浪少女·Kaylee凯莉语源:希腊语含义:圣域或给于喜悦的批护所(Kay与Lee的结合体)中文名:圣域·Kaysa凯萨语源:Scandinavian含义:纯洁中文名:洁以下是我自创的:Joerica(娇丽卡):含义:霸王情人(Jo of Eric)、情圣。黑百合——Mesue(魅瑟)百合女王——Lirica、Lirika(莉莉卡)

6. muriel kurt包



muriel创始人Roger Saul,自1970年在Somerset田园中建立muriel皮件王国后,便将当时的时空背景精神保存至今,而皮件的真材实料和外型原创性更是吸引人,为muriel翻红的重要因素之一。
