gentle(gentle moimter)

1. gentle

1. gentle


2. gentle moimter

2. gentle moimter


请务必更换镜片后使用。GENTLE MONSTER CHINA 仅支持光学镜架的配镜服务,太阳镜无法加度数。详情请咨询线下门店。访问其他眼镜店进行配片时,由于FLATBA系列制作工艺特殊,可能无法进行配片。

3. gentle 翻译中文


May be the world gentleness

Gentle may the world.

Hope the world's gentle

I hope to be gently treated by the world.

4. gentle的名词



1. 少数以e结尾的形容词,要去掉e再加-ly。比如:true-truly; due-duly

2. 绝大多数辅音字母加e结尾的形容词直接加-ly。如:polite-politely; wide-widely; wise-wisely;nice-nicely

3. 以辅音字母加le结尾时,去e加y,如:simple-simply; considerable-considerably; terrible-terribly comfortably;gentle-gently; possible-possibly; probable-probably; incredible-incredibly 元音字母加le时加ly,如:sole-solely。但是whole-wholly例外。


5. gentle英语

浪漫 romantic 温柔 tender 或 gentle 彬彬有礼 courteous, 或 well-behaved 斯文 refined, 或 gentle

6. gentle翻译

温文尔雅 [wēn wén ěr yǎ]基本翻译gentle and cultivated网络释义温文尔雅:Gentle | gentle and cultivated | Aqi

7. gentlemen


8. gentle的副词怎么写

terrible-terribly; true-truly; gentle-gently形容词变副词通常是加ly,其变化有规律可循,请记住以下口诀:一般直接加,“元e”去e加,“辅y”改i加,“le”结尾e改y。分别举例如下:quick-quickly; true-truly; happy-happily; pssible-pssibly具体规则如下:

1.一般情况下直接加“ly”,如:quick-quickly; plite-plitely; sad-sadly; imediate-immediately; recent-recently2.少数以e结尾的形容词,要去掉e再加-ly。如:true-truly; due-duly绝大多数辅音字母加e结尾的形容词直接加-ly。如:plite-plitely; wide-widely; wis

9. gentleman

意思是先生,绅士,有身份地位的人。 [ˈdʒentlmən]

10. gentlemontar眼镜

gentle monster是韩国的品牌,主要是做眼镜产品,尤其是各种墨镜,也就是比较常见的GM墨镜品牌,很多明星也非常喜欢这个品牌的墨镜。gentle monster翻译过来就是温柔的怪物,设计的风格是比较大胆的,配色也是比较鲜明的,其中的流行元素也比较前卫,很多年轻的潮流少年都非常喜欢。

11. gentle monther

1、My mother is very beautiful 

2、My mother loves me very much 

3、My mother has long hair, goose egg face, small mouth, very gentle speech, and she is also very delicious cooking, I think my mother is particularly powerful, she, like a superwoman, she gave me all the love 
