




多彩贵州酒有四款,分别是多彩贵州酒(1915),多彩贵州酒(1935),多彩贵州酒(2005),多彩贵州酒(多彩迎宾)。多彩贵州酒产于中国贵州茅台镇,以本地优质糯高粱、小麦、水为原料,利用得天独厚的自然微生物环境,遵循具有悠久历史的传统工艺精酿而成。并由大师级团队精选、勾调、品评,认定;融合了“中国酿造、中国文化、中国品牌、中国自信”等多彩元素。扩展资料:截至2015年7月,贵州省新获中国驰名商标认定9件,为贵州省历年来获得驰名商标最多的一年,此次新认定的9件中国驰名商标分别为:贵州省多彩贵州文化产业发展中心的“多彩贵州”;贵州省正安县茶叶协会的“正安白茶”;印江县土家族苗族自治县茶叶管理局的“梵净山FJS”;贵州怀庄酒业(集团)有限责任公司的“怀庄及图”;兴仁县薏仁专业协会的“兴仁薏仁米”;贵州远程制药有限责任公司的“远程”;贵阳德昌祥药业有限公司的“德昌祥”;遵义火焰山电器有限公司的“火焰山HYS”;贵州安酒集团有限公司的“安酒ANJIU”。参考资料来源:百度百科-多彩贵州酒(集团)有限公司参考资料来源:中新网-贵州新增中国驰名商标9件 “多彩贵州”入列



这个不是英文,更像西班牙文。Grupo就是Group, 集团, S.A De C.V 基本上是有限责任公司的意思 Valtemar是正经的公司名字,没法翻译,也别强行翻译。


4,火焰山 英语怎么说

the Mountain of Flames
Flaming Mountains 火焰山


"酒业有限责任公司"_翻译结果:"wine industry co., ltd."
这要看你的是什么酒了白酒: liquor Co., Ltd葡萄酒:winery Co., Ltd啤酒厂:brewery Co., Ltd如果你什么都想生产的话,brewery Co., Ltd 可以凑合着用


华山论剑 Duel on Mount Hua 或者要是是引申意义直接就说PK 太上老君 Lord Lao Zi of the Great Monad 或者 the Laoist incarnation of 炼丹炉 cook furnace 火焰山 the mountain of flames


Alcoholic Drink Development Co.,Ltdalcoholic drink 酒类总称beer啤酒liquor酒精饮料liqueur利口酒wine葡萄酒
深圳招商安业投资发展有限公司的工商登记信息: 注册号 440301104088734 企业名称 深圳招商安业投资发展有限公司 法定代表人 王立地址 深圳市南山区蛇口兴华路6号华建工业大厦(又名南海意库)3号楼2c 市场主体类型 有限责任公司


这台收音机让我的生活充满了快乐This radio so that my life is full of happiness 请给我拿一杯水Please bring me a glass of water 我们的计划在春天多种些树 Our plan in the spring of a variety of more trees 打扫教室是我们的责任Cleaning the classroom is our responsibility 由于下雨,我们的旅行只好延期到下一周Due to rain, we had no choice but to travel until next week 听到这个好消息,我们都高兴起来To hear the good news, we are happy together 他正在尽力想办法去挣钱 He is doing its best to find a way to make money 经过三个月的训练,这只狗能帮助人们做很多事After three months of training, the dog can help people do a lot of things 他的笔友帮他解决了困难 His pen pal to help him solve the problems 在周末,我喜欢在街上闲逛At the weekend, I like to wander around the streets 他立刻停止了弹钢琴He immediately stopped playing the piano 事情的结果很不错The results of a good thing 她气得连话都说不出来了So angry that she could not even have words to the
This radio so that my life is full of happiness 2 Please bring me a glass of water 3, we plan more trees in a variety of spring cleaning 5 classroom is our responsibility to 6 due to rain, we had no choice but to travel until next week 7 to hear the good news, we are pleased that he is up 8 to 9 to find ways to make money through a three-month training, the dog can do a lot of things to help people 10 to his pen pal to help him solve the problems 11 on weekends, I like to wander around on the street 12, he immediately stopped playing the piano 13, the result of a good thing 14 so angry she could not even have words to the
This radio so that my life is full of joy, please bring me a glass of water, we plan a variety of more trees in the spring cleaning is our responsibility to the classroom because of rain, we had no choice but to travel until next week to hear the good news, we Are pleased with his efforts are being made to find a way to make money after three months of training, the dog can help people do a lot of things His pen pal to help him resolve the difficulties over the weekend, I like to wander around on the street, he immediately stopped playing the piano The results of a good thing so angry she could not even have words to the

