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  AoYun Winery we choose to do our vineyard here in the northwest corner of Yunnan, very close to Tibet, that we can see the mountains there on Tibet, Why for us this region was the perfect place in China to make a great fine wine? First it is because its high attitude torrior, its high attitude torrior means we have strong UVs, the sun is really strong we have more shade. The high mountains stop the rain so the area is dry enough to make the vine suffer a little bit to make the best grapes as possible. We have cool night, and thanks to those cool night, the maturation period will be really long, around 20 more days than Bordeaux, and this long maturation period bring to the grapes a lot of complexity and keep a very good acidity. So those are the main characteristics of this fantastic torrior here and that is why we believe that it was the best place to make wine.

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