今缘春品鉴酒多少钱  磨砂瓶,今缘春磨砂酒瓶的价格是多少?
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今缘春品鉴酒多少钱 磨砂瓶,今缘春磨砂酒瓶的价格是多少?

What is Today's Yuan Chun Spring Wine Price in Frosted Glass Bottle?

Wine connoisseurs and enthusiasts alike look forward to the Yuan Chun Spring Wine's arrival every year. Considered one of the most popular Chinese wines, it is often sought after for celebrations and special occasions. However, with the wine's popularity comes the question of how much it costs and where to find it. So, what is the price of Today's Yuan Chun Spring Wine in a Frosted Glass Bottle?

今缘春品鉴酒多少钱  磨砂瓶,今缘春磨砂酒瓶的价格是多少?

Understanding the Yuan Chun Spring Wine

The Yuan Chun Spring Wine is a type of yellow wine that is produced in Shanxi Province, China. It is made from fermented glutinous rice, and the name "Yuan Chun" means "Original Spring" in Chinese. The wine is famous for its smooth taste, unique aroma, and long-lasting aftertaste. Its bottle is made of frosted glass, which adds to its classic appeal.

The Price of Yuan Chun Spring Wine in Frosted Glass Bottle

The price of Yuan Chun Spring Wine in a Frosted Glass Bottle can vary depending on where you purchase it. Prices range from ¥35 to ¥100 for a 500 ml bottle, and the cost will be higher in areas where it is more difficult to obtain. It is important to note that the price of yuan chun wine increases as the wine ages.

Where to Buy Yuan Chun Spring Wine in Frosted Glass Bottle

If you are looking to purchase Yuan Chun Spring Wine in a Frosted Glass Bottle, there are a few places where you can look. The most common place to find this wine is at specialty wine shops or online retailers. You might also be able to find it at some Chinese restaurants or supermarkets.


The Yuan Chun Spring Wine in a Frosted Glass Bottle is a sought-after wine with a unique taste and aroma. It is perfect for celebrating special occasions and is a popular gift item. While prices will vary depending on where you purchase it, expect to pay between ¥35 to ¥100 for a 500ml bottle. Whether you are a wine enthusiast or just looking to try something new, the Yuan Chun Spring Wine is definitely worth a try.