


1.1 When will this wine be at its peak?1 保存多久的葡萄酒状态最佳?

2.First, remember that most wines are made to drink when they are released。

3. In terms of fine, ageable wines, there are all sorts of online sources that will give you a ballpark idea of theoretical peak readiness。

4. But every bottle is different and there are many variables, such as storage conditions and personal taste。

5. Open a special bottle when the moment seems right to you。

6. If you have an old bottle like those old Lafites, make a special meal, open the bottles and celebrate the memories。

7. If you simply can't stand to do that alone, remember that Open That Bottle Night is the last Saturday of February。

8. That's when you can join others like you, world-wide, in opening their special bottles。



11.如果你不愿一个人独享,那就记住每年的“开瓶夜”(Open That Bottle Night)是二月份的最后一个星期六。

12.在这一天,你可以和全世界的葡萄酒爱好者一起,打开你们珍藏的那瓶陈年葡萄酒。 What's the best glass?

13. 什么杯子喝葡萄酒最合适?We prefer a large glass - around 20 to 22 ounces is good - because it feels generous in our hands and we can swirl around the small amount we pour into it。

14. Look for clear, thin glass; a long stem; and a slight curve inward at the top。

15. We prefer inexpensive glasses so we don't worry about breaking them。

16. Over the years, we have found good glasses at a wide variety of stores, including Pier 1 and Costco (though we haven't seen our favorites at either place recently)。

17. Vino Grande Burgundy from Spiegelau, which is owned by Riedel, is our everyday glass。


19.要找那种透明度高、杯壁薄、杯脚长、杯口微微收拢的杯子,价格不要太贵,免得打碎了心疼。这些年来,我们在很多商店都发现不少好杯子,比如Pier 1和Costco连锁超市等(但这两个地方最近都买不到我们最青睐的那些酒杯)。

20.奥地利力多公司(Riedel)旗下的德国诗杯客乐(Spiegelau)出品的勃艮蒂杯(Vino Grande Burgundy)是我们品酒的日常用具。

21. What wines should I serve at a party (or to any large gathering)?

22. 开派对(或任何大型聚会)时应该选什么葡萄酒?For a white, Chilean or New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc is a winner。

23. For a red, we used to remend one of the cru Beaujolais (such as Fleurie) and we still like that advice, but Argentina's Malbec is so popular right now and so widely enjoyed that we'd remend that instead。

24. If you are looking for an affordable bubbly for a group, it's hard to go wrong with Cava from Spain。

25.如果选白葡萄酒,智利或新西兰的长相思最好。如果选红葡萄酒,我们以前推荐过薄若来列级(cru Beaujolais,薄若来的最高级法定产区),比如弗俐叶(Fleurie)红酒,如今也没有改变观点;但阿根廷的马尔白克现在非常热门,很多人都爱喝,因此我们改为推荐这个品种。

26.如果你想找一款物美价廉的气泡酒,那么选择西班牙的卡瓦酒(Cava)应该没错。 Why does wine give me headaches; sulfites, right?

27. 为什么我喝葡萄酒后会头疼,是因为葡萄酒中含有亚硫酸盐吗?Wrong。 Sulfites cause very severe allergic reactions in a small number of people, even death in extreme cases, which is why there's a warning on the bottle, but sulfites don't cause headaches。

28. Wine headaches are a serious issue, but the causes are highly personal。

29. Some people get headaches only from red wine and some get them just from, say, German wine。

30. It has to do with histamines and all sorts of other plex science。

31. It really is best to talk with your doctor about this。






红酒是由葡萄制成的Red wine is made from grapes望采纳



1.Raw material: 3 kg ~5 kg round glutinous rice, sweet song of 1 bags, ordinary flour 1 tablespoonsPractice:1, prepare an enamel pot, clean (a little oil can not be oh!

2.)2, glutinous rice is placed directly inside the Amoy good, then soaked in water for about 12 hours (soaking time according to the weather changes, hand grinding, grinding to a two valve so far)。

3.3, then put the rice panning clean (directly in the ceramic pot wash。

4.)。4, take a steamer, put water in the steamer, steaming tray on a layer of gauze pads, water boiled glutinous rice fish on the cloth。

5. Steam for 25 minutes, cooked。5, a good steamed glutinous rice filled with ceramic pot, ready to cool boiling water, the side with the clean big spoon stirring, and sprinkle with Wen Kaishui (like watering the flowers like Caesar, very little water Oh), stirring to not hot (about 30 ° C)。

6.6, sweet song, add flour, stirring evenly, and then sprinkle in the rice, stir again。

7.7, and then hand paction glutinous rice, clean smooth surface, a hole (such as when, out of the middle is fermented glutinous rice water), and then sprinkle with a little warm boiling water, then add a little warm boiling water inside the hole, covered with lid。

8.8, winter words wrapped in a quilt, blanket can put a blanket, to keep the temperature of 30 ° C, have a look if cold, electric blanket open look, at that temperature turn north, you can on the heating side, 24~36 hours, bouquet is ripe。

9.In summer 9, if not in the air conditioning room, 30 ° C temperature can be。

10.Methods to keep the sweet fermented glutinous riceThe room temperature of 15 degrees, good wine can be placed at room temperature over 15 degrees, directly in the fridge。

11. Over a period of time, the inside of the fermented glutinous rice water after adding boiling water, cold。

12. Keep the cooler temperature, BRANDIED not easy to grow old。

13.Matters needing attention1, do container of sweet rice wine is the best ceramics, ceramic cylindrical pot on the market can buy, stainless steel pot is not easy to store, box of also can。

14.2, soaked glutinous rice to washing clean the outside starch, or done BRANDIED will not fresh, sticky dada。

15.3, mixed with glutinous rice koji must cool to 30 ℃ high temperature, or will it liqueur koji in the bacteria killing, the temperature is too low and not active bacteria, fermentation is not up。

16.4, in the fermentation process often to check the temperature, with his hand to warm temperature best。

17. After 24 hours you can taste the flavor, taste sweet and delicious, a little juice, alcohol does not make, not sour。

18.5, do BRANDIED is the key to all the dishes are very clean, not a little greasy。

19. Otherwise easily be riotous with colour of long hair, long hair do not eat the rice。

20.The most important don't 6, glutinous sweet forgot to put the flour liqueur koji in Oh, ah key key, otherwise do not so sweet。



2. 波尔多由于地广土肥,葡萄品种齐全,几乎所有种类的葡萄酒都有生产,有香醇味浓的红葡萄酒,有带辣味或舔味的白葡萄酒,还有玫瑰红葡萄酒等,从高级佳酿到普通佐餐酒,应有尽有。

3.波尔多地区尤其以生产的红葡萄酒口味最为优雅细腻,是世界公认的葡萄酒中的女王。 波尔多葡萄酒通常可分为普遍地区产葡萄酒和特定葡萄园产葡萄酒两类。


5. 所谓特定葡萄园的葡萄酒,是指那些从葡萄的栽培,发酵,储藏,成熟到最后入瓶,都在特定的葡萄园内完成的葡萄酒,这些葡萄酒贴好商标后直接卖给酒商。

6.因为波尔多地方习惯称葡萄园为“Chateau”(城堡的意思),故这类葡萄园被称为“城堡葡萄园”。 波尔多地区用于酿酒的主要葡萄品种有: 红葡萄酒品种:卡白乃*酥味浓(Cabernet Blanc),纯卡白乃(Cabernet Blanc),麦尔卢(Maibec),马尔贝克(Maibec),小韦多特(Petit Verdot)等。


8. 麦多克(Medoc) 麦多克地区位于吉龙德河左岸,波尔多地区的西北部,地势十分平坦,表土多为沙乐鹅卵石质,下层土为赤褐色铁土质。

9. 用于生产葡萄酒的红葡萄品种有:马尔贝克,韦多特,麦尔卢,卡白乃和卡白乃*马尔贝等。 较好的葡萄酒来自奥*麦多克村等八个地区,并以村名作葡萄酒名。

10. 圣*爱斯台夫村(St*Estephe)所产的葡萄酒呈鲜艳的深红色,以卡白乃等葡萄为原料,故略带涩味,但其浓郁甘美的风味,必须经长期陈酿后,才能发 其真实价值所在,名酒有:Ch*Lafit Rothschild(拉费特*罗氏查尔德堡),Ch*Latour(拉杜堡)等。

11. 圣*于连堡(St*Julien)与普衣克毗邻,是一扇形的冲积河谷带,所产葡萄呈稍带紫色的浓红色,因为涩味与酸度控制调和得很圆满,所以该地产的葡萄分外讨好,但产量不多,价格较贵。

12.如Levoville-Las-Cases、Leoville-Poyferre等。 玛高村(Margaux)生产的葡萄酒色调十分美丽,呈红宝石色。


14.Margaux) 莫丽斯村(Moulis)是属于上游地区靠森林一带的产酒村庄,产品中公认为高级葡萄酒的并没有,但品质优良可取。

15. 麦多克地区葡萄种植园很多,产品也各自相对独立。为了控制其质量,法国政府于1855年对此进行了分类,1973年又进行了第二次分类,其结果与1855年基本相同。

16.这类葡萄酒分类是: 头苑4种; 二苑15种;三苑14种; 四苑10种;五苑18种 (2)格拉夫斯(Graves) 格拉夫斯地区位于加龙河左岸,北起波尔多城及周围地区,南到苏太尼城,几乎遍布了整个河左岸地区。

17. 该地区生产红葡萄酒,也有一些佳酿产品。该区的葡萄产地从未像麦多克地区那样由官方进行分类,但较为有名的村庄有奥*伯里翁城堡(Ch*Haut-Brion)和帕佩*克勒芒特(Pape Clement)。

18. 1855年麦多克进行葡萄酒分类时,将该地名奥*伯里翁堡(C*Haut-Brion)划入了头苑。 (3)苏太尼斯地区(Sauternes) 苏太尼斯地区位于格拉夫斯地区南部并为之所包围,共有波米斯(Bomms),巴萨克(Bareac),普雷格纳克(Preignac),法尔居士(Fargues),和圣*派里*德*蒙斯(St*Pierre de Mons)等五个村庄。

19.该区土质是粘土和沙土的混合物或粘土和石灰石土质。 葡萄品种有生产白葡萄酒的纯酥味浓,塞米里翁和莫氏卡苔尔。


21.这种现象更增加了葡萄内糖份的产生,因此发酵后葡萄中仍甜味残留,从而产生了自然甜美芳香的白葡萄酒。 巴萨克村是苏太尼斯五个村庄中唯一具有AOC系统的种植园,葡萄酒口味与其他四村不太相同,甜味较少而香味则过之。

22. (4)圣*艾米利翁(St。Emilion) 圣*艾米利翁地区与麦多克都以盛产波尔多红葡萄酒而知名。


24. (5)波默洛尔(Pomerol) 波默洛尔是位于圣*艾米利翁西北部的一个小葡萄种植园,该地生产的著名红葡萄酒色泽深红,柔软芳醇,耐力强,能长久贮藏而不变质。
