fuck youson of the bitch
pig . Alibaba . begger & fuck you
You asshole!
son of bitch
fuck 艹的意思shit屎的意思 go out 滚的意思
son of a bitch
your big dog and janse
encouraged me to attend special prep classes to make sure that I was well prepared for the exams. They have given me tutors to make sure that I understood my subjects well. When it comes to choosing a college, I will trust my parents to make that decision. They know what they can afford and what will give me a good education. When I was young, my parents would invite children over to play with me
1.听说你傍大款了,认二郎神当主人了 (就是骂人狗啦,因为大家都知道二郎神有只哮天犬..)2.最近你运气不错啊,升职成天蓬元知帅了,恭喜 (天蓬元帅者,猪八戒也..)3、你的长相很提神的说!!4、你需要回炉重道造5、他们怎么能管你叫猪呢??这太不像话了!总不能人家长的像什么就叫人家什么吧!怎么能说你长得像猪呢?那是侮辱了猪。6.热吗?这么热你还不把舌头吐出内来,你难道不知道你身上你不会出汗的7.哥们.还不去市场看看,那个卖猪肉的又把你靓照贴出来当宣传图了,我是为你好~去告他侵犯你肖像权去啊8.当我看到你时才想到,原来八戒是个帅哥啊 (八戒都容比你帅了)过节了,送你一副对联: 上联:树不要皮,必死无疑 下联:人不要脸,天下无敌 横批:人之贱无敌
You bitch!行不?
You hybrid你个杂种
You are just a good for nothing bum!自 你真是一个废物! What were you thinking? 你脑子进知水了 You are out of your mind. 你脑子有毛病!道 You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!You’re a jerk! 你是个废物You make me sick! 你真让我恶心!