

法国路易葡萄酒简介Introduction to Louis, France
估计你的这瓶酒是国产的山寨酒!法国的瓶标上面,很少写dry red wine .,最好把酒标的图片发上来,正面酒标是不是写着louis jadot?


2,在线等求 介绍葡萄酒的翻译


在线等求 介绍葡萄酒的翻译


Clarity:清澈、透明Transparent:透明的Round:圆润的Full:完整的、丰满的Harmonious:协调的Supple:柔顺的Soft:柔软的Smooth:平滑的Mellower:醇美的Lively:充满活力的Rich:饱满的,馥郁的Fine:细腻的Fresh:清新的Well-balanced:平衡良好的Subtle: 微妙的, 精细的Velvety:柔软的、温和的、柔顺的Fragrant:芳香的、香气幽雅的Flowery:花香的Syrupy:美妙的、甜美的Mellow:甘美的、圆润的、松软的Luscious:甘美的、芬芳的Tranquil:恬静的Spicy:辛辣的Harsh,Hard:粗糙的Lighter:清淡的、轻盈的Thin:单薄的Flat:平淡的Unbalanced:不平衡的Spoiled,Unsound:败坏的Fuller:浓郁的Vinous:酒香的Coarse:粗糙的、粗劣的Piquant:开胃的、辛辣的Tart:尖酸的、刻薄的Astringent:收敛的、苦涩的Conflict:不和谐的Stale:走味的,沉滞的Dull:呆滞的、无活力的


4,简单的英语 关于洋酒与葡萄酒的

一开始 就是 CAN I HELP U 然后 就THIS IS GOOD 就行了!~
Summer is just around the corner in this hot season, if for a glass of wine on the how things go! However, if you think wine is wine in Riga to some of the ice, making a serious mistake. Icewine English or German Eiswein referring to the same type of wine, generally translated into ice wine, or ice wine. Ice wine is not as simple as ice wine, the wine really rare rare, expensive and its price. The purity of her unique style of the rich has been deeply attracted me, let me be seen from time to time to find her. In China, to hear "ice wine" is not the word for a long time, but the history of wine has about 200 years. She was born in Germany or Austria, but it is hard to tell which is clearly the specific areas where a winery. At present, the research could Icewine production as early as the time was in 1794, from Germany Franken (Franken) region. Put it in another way also known as ice wine originated in the Rhine in 1858 Heights (Rheingau) region, Schloss Johannisberg winery. In Germany and Austria, many of the winery is also a widespread legend of the birth of wine, about 200 years ago, a late autumn season, the owner of Chateau to go out and did not come back in time, hung on the branches of mature grape missed the usual pick Time was a sudden attack of heavy snow. Zhuang Yuanzhu people as a last resort, try to have been Dongcheng ice wine, the wine was found Niangchu unique flavor, fragrance unusual since the discovery of ice wine brewing methods and transmission so far. Although, actually originated in the ice, which has been difficult to verify, but the ice brewing process, but above the legend can be seen. In short, is the use of frozen ice wine grapes from the brewed liquor.