

being drunk



drunk 希望可以帮到你,谢谢~!



i am going to drunk.



I am tired,i am drunk,and i want cry...
我累了醉了就想哭, 发送到你的邮箱里了,请查收,发件人『神话-传说』如对你有所帮助就劳烦你采纳下吧,


I want to get drunk好一点,因为是你主动要喝醉的,用被动语态有一些别扭。
I want to be drunk. 或 I want to get drunk.两种都是对的。
pissed/..;intoxicated/a little tipsy/.i am drunk/wasted/
I want to be sober!I want to be(&get) drunk!必需用be因为后面是形容词。用get 亦可。


一翻译界泰斗如是翻的everyone is drunk whereas I am sober.屈原至于江滨,被发行吟泽畔。颜色憔悴,形容枯槁。渔父见而问之曰:“子非三闾大夫欤?何故而至此?”屈原曰:“举世混浊而我独清,众人皆醉而我独醒,是以见放。”渔父曰:“夫圣人者,不凝滞于物而能与世推移。举世混浊,何不随其流而扬其波?众人皆醉,何不其糟而啜其醨?何故怀瑾握瑜而自令见放为?”屈原曰:“吾闻之,新沐者必弹冠,新浴者必振衣,人又谁能以身之察察,受物之汶汶者乎!宁赴常流而葬乎江鱼腹中耳,又安能以晧晧之白而蒙世俗之温蠼乎!” 乃作《怀沙》之赋。其辞曰:Qu Yuan arrived at the waterside and recited poems along the water, his hair disheveled. He looked sallow and languished. A fisherman saw him and asked: “Aren’t you Mister San Lu? Why are you here?” Qu Yuan said: “Everyone is filthy whereas I am pure, everyone is drunk whereas I am sober. Therefore I am ousted.” The fisherman said: “Sages will not be hindered but will move on along with the crowd. If the whole world is filthy, why don’t you go with the stream to blow its waves? If everyone is drunk, why don’t you eat the scum and drink the liquor with them? Why do you have to hold your precious and pure jade and be ousted?” Qu Yuan said: “I have heard that people who have just taken a shower will whisk their hats, and people who have just taken a bath will whisk their clothes. Who will allow the filthiness of other things to pollute one’s own cleanness! I would rather jump into the river and bury myself in the stomachs of the fishes than allow my shiny purity to be polluted by the mundane filthiness!” Then he composed the verse named Huai Sha, which reads:
众人皆醉我独醒everyone was intoxicated , but only i remained sober.

