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戒酒的方法个人强制治疗:主要靠个人意志戒酒。要想成功戒除酒疾,此法需患者有极强意志力,而且患者本人愿意配合戒酒,前提是饮酒史一般不超过三年,每日酒精摄入量<200ml(但借酒消愁,精神郁闷,有严重并发症,已出现酒中毒性精神障碍者靠此法多无效)。   住院封闭治疗:多采用长期封闭住院治疗,医护人员强制控制。但缺点是:出院后即饮,治疗费用高,易新形成精神障碍。   西药治疗:医生多采用戒酒硫、镇静安眠药物等进行辅助治疗。但是需要提醒的是:由于西药副作用大,使用时必须在专业医生的指导下进行,而且患者自身应该主动配合,否则会耽误酒依赖的治疗,更易形成药物依赖。  所谓“戒酒偏方”:网上经常出现以下戒酒偏方(1)麻雀屎泡酒(2)黄鳝鱼泡酒(3)腊月鼠头研末(4)葛花泡酒。但在我们接诊过程中,许多患者在尝试以后,没有任何戒酒效果,所以提醒朋友们少走弯路。例子:戒酒秘方:鲤鱼泡酒戒酒 将活鲤鱼或鲫鱼一斤泡进一到两斤白酒里,泡上3到4天,再将鱼去掉,酗酒的人只要想喝了,就喝泡过鲤鱼的酒,喝上几次就很快能把酒戒掉。 或者活黄鳝一条,放一瓶白酒内浸二天后此酒,1次1-2两,一日三次,将酒服完后永远不想再喝一滴酒。 因为鳝鱼大补,可治眼病,降血脂血糖,是糖尿病人的美食,用它泡酒食之可戒酒,我现在也想试试,不会有问题,因鳝鱼没毒,听说确能根治,一次不行可再泡一条.但是每次饮2两,分5天喝完,不可多饮.但也不可少饮,否则不起作用。

6,戒酒篇 什么是戒酒

彻底戒酒:需要身体依赖,心理依赖,家庭关系,健康意识都转变。仅仅一时身体酒瘾有所改变,后期还是非常容易再反弹。所以,戒酒方法,戒酒过程,戒酒指导不是简单的事情。只能顺其自然酌情引导,而不能冲动武断 强制强迫。脱离酒瘾后还要有阻止再反弹的补救措施,才是真正的对戒酒效果负责。这就是戒酒的四管齐下。
unless some cases (such as serious accidents) has led to a state of emergency medicine, then an alcoholic who quit drinking will not be forced to accept help, but do not have to deliberately cause a serious accident to persuade your family temperance . many alcoholism treatment specialists put forward the following several ways to help the alcohol rehab.1. do not hide all of the wine.family members often try to find some excuse to hide to avoid the family drinking wine. do not do this, let them experience the adverse consequences of alcohol abuse.2. seize the best opportunity to persuade the alcohol rehab.and alcohol best time to talk is just after the suggestion of drinking-related issues (such as a heated family argument or an accident). choose a time when he or she is calm, you can have the opportunity to talk privately.3. special attention.tell your family members very much for the drinking problems of his or her concerns. necessary, the use of some examples of harm caused by alcohol, including the latest events that occurred.4. about the results.to explain to the alcohol if he or she did not seek alcohol rehab help, how do ----- you will not blame, but to implement some measures to avoid his or her problems, such as refusal to attend social activities that provide alcohol , outside the home away from alcohol. do not do not consider a good excesses. 5. for help.in advance to collect your community concerning alcohol rehab treatment information. if he or she needs help, immediately called the appointment treatment consultant. recommended for the first time to participate in a project to accompany a treat to go.6. mobilized a friend.if the family member still refuses access to alcohol rehab to help, so that the above-mentioned conversation with a friend and his or her way to talk about. a friend had just overcome alcohol abuse may be very persuasive, but any caring and easygoing person who might help. more than one person, more than once to go and talk, often it is necessary, and can gradually alcoholics to seek help voluntarily.7. to seek to join forces.in a health care professional institutions with the help of some families and their relatives and friends formed a group together to overcome alcoholism. this method of implementation of the alcohol just experienced under the guidance of professional bodies.8. for support.remember that you are not alone is very important. supported a number of communities of temperance organizations, these organizations help alcohol rehab recognize their family members, not only for the drinking problems of personal responsibility.alcoholism treatment is suitable for many people. but like a number of chronic diseases, to treat with different results. some people stop drinking and efforts to restrain myself, and others then began drinking after a period of quiescent. for alcohol rehab, the point is clear, a longer give up alcohol, he or she keep a sober mind the greater the likelihood.

