3.Black Label有很多种不同叫法,常见的是黑牌,黑方,黑标等。黑方是由尊尼沃克(Johnnie Walker & SONS)公司装瓶的,由大概40种single whisky调配而成,每一种至少有12年陈。
4.Johnnie Walker在1820在苏格兰的Kilmarnock开了他的第一家商店,并开始供应由他自己调配的威士忌,也给沃克王朝奠定了坚实的基础。
7.个人的观感,黑方入口之初不如芝华士那般顺口,但细细品味,却多了独有的个性。曾经有人对我如此形容这两者:CHIVAS如同一个温顺的淑女,黑方却如Cool Cool的辣妹。
8.真不知你喜欢的会是什么?黑方的强烈个性源自Johnnie Walker公司的创始人Johnnie Walker。
9.与多数调配师不同的是,Johnnie Walker非常重视各种single whisky的不同特色,而且将这种特色淋漓尽致的表现了出来。
10.他还采用了几种个性强烈,充满活力的single whisky。 Johnnie Walker的这种风格被一代一代的传承下来,这使得Johnnie Walker公司的出品始终充满独特的风味。
1.Johnnie Walker Black Label 黑方还有Red,Green, Gold,Blue等,英语好的话可以看看下面的资料-----------* Red & Cola – a premix of Red Label and cola, sold in cans and beer-bottle like bottles。
2. This product has also been marketed under the names "Premix" and "One"。
3.* Red Label — a blend of around 35 grain and malt whiskies。
4. 80 proof。 40% ABV。* Black Label — a blend of as many as 40 whiskies, each aged at least 12 years。
5. According to William Manchester, this was the favourite Scotch of Winston Churchill。
6.[5] 80 proof。 40% ABV。Johnnie Walker SwingJohnnie Walker Swing* Johnnie Walker Swing — named for the distinctive bottle, in which an irregular bottom allows it to rock back and forth。
7. It was Alexander II’s last blend: it features a high proportion of Speyside malts, plemented by malts from the northern Highlands and Islay, and is "almost as sweet as a bourbon。
8."[6]* Green Label — a vatted malt whisky that consists of a blend of about 15 individual single malts, the signature malts being Talisker, Cragganmore, Linkwood, and Caol Ila – Aged 15 years。
9. 86 proof。 Previously sold under the name 'Pure Malt'。
10.* Gold Label — a rare blend of over 15 single malts, including the very rare Clynelish malt。
11. It was derived from Alexander II's blending notes for a whisky to memorate Johnnie Walker's centenary[citation needed]。
12. His original efforts were thwarted by a shortage of these malts following World War I。
13. Gold Label is monly bottled at 15 or 18 years。 80 proof。
14. 40% ABV。* Blue Label — Johnnie Walker's premium blend。
15. Every bottle is serial numbered and sold in a silk-lined box, acpanied by a certificate of authenticity。
16. There is no age declaration for Blue Label。 86 proof。