

wine (白酒)beer(啤酒)grape(葡萄酒)当然了这个wine也有葡萄酒的意思
不同的酒有不同的单词,最常见的有:1、wine果酒,特别是葡萄酿制的酒,有红葡萄酒red wine、白葡萄酒white wine 2、beer啤酒3、whisky威士忌酒4、brandy白兰地5、vodka伏特加
1、beer专指啤酒2、whisky威士忌酒,其中的scotch是特指英国苏格兰出产的威士忌。3、brandy白兰地4、gin金酒,也就是杜松子酒5、vodka伏特加6、rum兰姆酒7、tequila龙舌兰酒8、alcohol原意“酒精”,也特指度数很高的烈性酒或是含酒精的饮料。9、spirit也是指高度酒。〖同时,spirit也有n. 精神,心灵;潮流,风气;(文件等)精神;元气、志气、勇气、意志 ; vt. 鼓舞;使振作;神秘地带走;使莫名其妙地出现 ;等意思 〗 10、wine特指果酒,特别是葡萄酿制的酒,有红葡萄酒red wine、白葡萄酒white wine、冰酒ice wine等。
英文中对“酒”的说法有很多种,不是中文的一个字就涵盖的。alcohol原意“酒精”,特指度数很高的烈性酒。spirit也是指高度酒。wine特指果酒,特别是葡萄酿制的酒,有红葡萄酒red wine、白葡萄酒white wine、冰酒ice wine等。beer专指啤酒whisky威士忌酒,其中的scotch是特指英国苏格兰出产的威士忌。brandy白兰地gin金酒,也就是杜松子酒vodka伏特加rum兰姆酒tequila龙舌兰酒我比较支持这一种说法。


2,linguistic 英语含义

linguisticadj.语言上的, 语言学上的linguisticlin.guis.ticadj.(形容词)Of or relating to language or linguistics.语言的,语言学的:语言或语言学的或与之相关的linguis“ticallyadv.(副词)linguisticlin.guis.ticadj.Of or relating to language or linguistics.linguis“ticallyadv.linguistic语言学的linguistic adj.语言学的 linguistic[lIN5^wIstIk]adj.词的;语言的;语言学的linguistic 【修】语言(学)
adj. 语言的; 语言学的 e.g. linguistic skills. 语言技能; linguistic theory. 语言学理论 n. 语言学 e.g. applied linguistics. 应用语言学
linguistic(adj.):1. consisting of or related to language同义词:lingual2. of or relating to the scientific study of language
linguisticKK: []DJ: []a.1. 语言的;语言学的
Of or relating to language or linguistics.教你一招名词的形容词形式paraphrase的时候,可以用,Of or relating to ...都这么解释的!还需要什么英语解释????????????????????????????

linguistic 英语含义


WHISKY(威士忌) BRANDY(白兰地) GIN (杜松子酒) VODKA (伏特加) RUM (郎姆酒) TEQUILA(龙舌兰酒) CREME DE MENTHE(薄荷酒) CREME DE CACAO (可可酒) COIN TREEOU(君度橙酒) BLUE CURACAO(蓝精香橙酒) COFFEE LJQUEU(咖啡酒) 人头马V.S.O.P (Remy Martin V.S.O.P)、 马爹利V.S.O.P(Martell V.S.O.P)、 轩诗V.S.O.P (hennessy V.S.O.P)、 拿彼仑V.S.O.P (Courvoisier V.S.O.P)、 普利内V.S.O.P(Polignae V.S.O.P)、 百事吉V.S.O.P(Bisquit V.S.O.P)、 长颈F.O.V(F.O.V)、 蓝带马爹利(Ribbion Martell)、 人头马俱乐部(Remy Martin Club)、 轩尼诗X.O(Hennessy X.O)、 马爹利X.O(Martell X.O)、人头马X.O(Remy Martin X.O)、卡米X.O(Camu's X.O)、拿破仑X.O(courvoisier X.O)、人头马路易十三[ Remy Mattin Louis x Ⅲ(Par- adise)] 、天堂轩尼诗(Hennessy Paradise)、天堂马爹利(Martell Paradise)、金像V.S.O.P(Otard U.S.O.P)、金像X.O(Otard X.O)、海因V.S.O.P(Hine V.S.O.P)、海因X.O.(Hine X.O.)、卡姆斯V.S.O.P(Came's V.S.O.P)、大将军拿破仑(Courvoisier Napolone)、奥吉尔 V.S.O.P(Augier V.S.O.P)、金路易拿破仑(Louis P'or Napolone) 给分啊!!



"There is very much slave work to be done now that the fight is over."
pungentwords: fang wenshan song: jay chouout of the window of the sparrowspeak out of turn at the polesyou said it was agreat feeling of summerin the hands of the pencila piece of paper back and forthi used a few lines of words to describe who you are mysanma tastea cat with you wanted to knowlove the smell was thus that we recoveredthat warm sunshinexianggang picked bright strawberryyou said you could not bear to eat this kind of feelingrain throughout the nightmy love overflows just like rainwaterleaves the yardi miss with a thick stack ofa few non -can not cool the enthusiasm of myyou appear on every page of my poetrynightrain throughout the nightmy love overflows just like rainwaterwindowsill butterflylike the beauty of poetry swirling in chapteri went on to writeto love you forever written into the poem at the end ofyou are the only thing i want to understandwas full of ricewell-being of this seasonand your cheeks like a ripe tomato fieldssuddenly, you said to me,common jasmin orange beautiful namei just want to kiss you now have stubborn mouth