

behave oneself in a mannerly way
do sth in a polite way



一、英字的组词:英朗、英伦、秀英、英氏、玄英、洛英、英迈、仇英、余英、英特。二、英字的英的读音: yīng三、英字的基本字义: 1、花。2、才能出众,才能出众的人。3、精华,事物最精粹的部分。4、用羽毛做的矛饰。5、古同“瑛”,似玉的美石。6、指“英国”。7、姓。扩展资料一、英字的笔画顺序:横、竖、竖、竖、横折、横、撇、捺。二、英字的笔顺图解:三、词语解释:1、英睿 [ yīng ruì ]犹明智。多用于颂扬人主;亦指英明之君。2、英伦 [ yīng lún ]英格兰,也泛指英国。3、英桃 [ yīng táo ]即樱桃。落叶乔木,结卵形红色核果,味甜可食,木材坚硬,可制器用。4、英博 [ yīng bó ]才智优异而学识广博。5、洪英 [ hóng yīng ]传说为洪门始祖名,后为纪念他而泛称洪门会员。



英的组词1拼音 yīng2释义花:落~缤纷。才能出众,才能出众的人:~俊。群~荟萃。~才。~雄。~烈。精华,事物最精粹的部分:精~。~华。含~咀华。用羽毛做的矛饰:二矛重(chǒng )~。古同“瑛”,似玉的美石。指“英国”:~文。姓。3组词英明、英雄、英俊、英武、英年、英尺、英才、群英、英名、英石、英勇、英寸、英烈、英制、英气、英亩、英镑、英灵、英两、英算、世英、芝英、英语、清英、繁英、英奕、英伦、英绝、英儒、英博、众英、英资、钟英、天英、英精英勋、梨英、英秀、隽英、英鉴



Philip Augustus had a tall keep built c.1200,in front of the town walls.It was to protect the right bank of Paris;it was also designed as a symbol of royal authority. It was Charles V who,in the 14th century,first took up residence in the Louvre.The very famous miniature from the “Très Riches Heures du duc de Berry”shows the refurbishment work carried out by Raymond du Temple,the king’s architect,in the 1360’s.The fortress then accommodated the royal family and its suite,even though the palace on the Ile de la Cité remained the official residence. Fran?ois I had the keep demolished in 1528 and began restoring and refurbishing the mediaeval fortress to give it the palatial appearance we see today.In 1546,Fran?ois I commissioned architect Pierre Lescot to rebuild the royal residence.The Louvre Palace laid out for Charles V was to be replaced by a building with the same design,i.e.four sides.The carvings on the fa?ades were created by Jean Goujon.This was the first example of Renaissance art in Paris;it was continued by Henri II after the death of Fran?ois I and gave rise to the square courtyard (Cour carrée). After the Grand Gallery commissioned by Catherine de Medici from Louis Métezeau and Androuet Du Cerceau to link the Louvre and the Tuileries Palace(see page 31),it was Louis XIII who continued Fran?ois I’s work by adding a wing to counterbalance the one built by Pierre Lescot.Louis XIII ordered Jacques Lemercier to continue the inner courtyard which then had only two fa?ades,on the west and south.The foundation stone of the new pavilion,the Clock Pavilion,was laid on 15th July 1624.参考资料:http://wenwen.sogou.com/z/q656310750.htm
paris: the city of romance the high eiffel tower, the colorful streets, the beautiful river seine, the glorious palaces, the romantic people, the old history … paris is a great place to all people in the world. as the capital of france, paris is a modern city with a long and rich history. so many events took place here and there are so many places for the visitors to have a trip. the tower eiffel, which is 320 meters high, is the symbol of paris. it was completed in 1889 for the centenary of the revolution. the arc de triomphe was finished in 1836. it’s a world famous building, too. old notre-dame attracts many foreign visitors since victor hugo wrote a novel named notre-dame de paris. mussee du louvre is one of the most famous museums in the world. enjoy yourselves in disneyland paris, the first disneyland in europe, boys and girls! meet mickey, fly with dumbo and lost yourselves in wonderland 以上是我帮您收集整理到的希望对您的作文有帮助爱上爬上的狼(体育爱好者)为您解答如果还有什么问题可以追问我我是真诚的也是诚恳的希望能换得您的肯定^_^

