


1.Imagism was a movement in early 20th-century Anglo-American poetry that favored precision of imagery, and clear, sharp language。

2. The Imagists rejected the sentiment and artifice typical of much Romantic and Victorian poetry。

3. This was in contrast to their contemporaries, the Georgian poets, who were by and large content to work within that tradition。

4. Group publication of work under the Imagist name appearing between 1914 and 1917 featured writing by many of the most significant figures in modernist poetry in English, as well as a number of other Modernist figures prominent in fields other than poetry。

5.Based in London, the Imagists were drawn from Britain, Ireland and the United States。

6. Somewhat unusually for the time, the Imagists featured a number of women writers among their major figures。

7. Imagism is also significant historically as the first organised Modernist English language literary movement or group。

8. In the words of T。S。 Eliot: "The point de repère usually and conveniently taken as the starting-point of modern poetry is the group denominated 'imagists' in London about 19"[1]At the time Imagism emerged, Longfellow and Tennyson were considered the paragons of poetry, and the public valued the sometimes moralising tone of their writings。

9. In contrast, Imagism called for a return to what were seen as more Classical values, such as directness of presentation and economy of language, as well as a willingness to experiment with non-traditional verse forms。

10. The focus on the "thing" as "thing" (an attempt at isolating a single image to reveal its essence) also mirrors contemporary developments in avant-garde art, especially Cubism。

11. Although Imagism isolates objects through the use of what Ezra Pound called "luminous details", Pound's Ideogrammic Method of juxtaposing concrete instances to express an abstraction is similar to Cubism's manner of synthesizing multiple perspectives into a single image。


二.tryna 什么意思????

1.Tryna可理解为人名;也是俚语tryna,意思等于Trying to,中文意思译为试一试。它的用法发生了变化,这是英语口语化的表现tryna是try to的口语化,tryna = trying to,类比于gonna = going to这种。

2.搜狗翻译 - 我的贴身智能翻译专家搜狗翻译可支持中、英、法、日等50多种语言之间的互译功能,为您即时免费提供字词、短语、文本翻译服务。

二.tryna 什么意思????

三.745731 是什么意思?





