


1.Acetic Term applied to wines which have undergone acetification and to the odour of such wines。

2. 醋酸的:用于描述发生醋酸化的葡萄酒,以及此类葡萄酒所散发出的气味。 Acid。 Term applied to a wine containing an excessive amount of acid, usually a wine made from grapes not pletely ripe。

3. 酸:用于描述含有过量酸的葡萄酒,通常是因为原料葡萄没有完全成熟。 After taste。 Tate left in the mouth by wines after they have been tasted。

4. 后味:品尝后葡萄酒留在口中的味道和感觉。 Agreable。 Pleasant character of a well-balanced wine。

5. 惬意的:一款平衡良好的葡萄酒所包含的宜人特征。 Astringent。 The characteristic flavour of wines which produces an unpleasant chemical stimulus in the mouth, due to an excessive level of ethyl acetate。

6. 涩的、收敛性的:葡萄酒中乙酸乙酯含量过高时的典型特征,给口腔带来一种不适的化学刺激感。 Aroma。

7. The odour of wines。 Primary aroma is derived from the grapes。

8. Secondary aroma derives from fermentation。 Tertiary aroma (bouquet) develops during maturation and aging。

9. 香气、果香:葡萄酒的气味。基本的香气来自葡萄果实,次级香气来自发酵过程,而第三层香气(酒香)在葡萄酒的成熟与陈酿过程中发育。

10. Aromatic。 Term applied to wine with a very pronounced aroma, usually made from grapes with aromatic flavour and aroma such as the Muscats。

11. 果香的:用于描述蕴含着极显著果香的葡萄酒,这些葡萄通常是以果香浓郁的葡萄如各种玫瑰香型的葡萄酿制。

12. Bitter。 Taste that causes an unpleasant and persistent sensation of acridity in the mouth due, in particular, to certain polyphenols。

13. 苦的:一种引起口腔持久苦感的不适味道,特别由多酚等物质引起。 Butyric。 Rancid odour of some spoiled wines。

14. 坏奶油味的:描述一些破败葡萄酒所散发出的腐臭气味。 C Casky taste, woody taste。

15. Taste imparted to wines during storage in new or badly kept casks, by substances extracted from the wood of the containers。

16. 橡木桶味、木头味:当葡萄酒在新橡木桶或保存不好的橡木桶中存放时,由容器木料中溶解出的物质赋予葡萄酒的味道。

17. Cooked taste。 Taste acquired by must or wine when heated to high temperatures, particularly if heated in the presence of air。

18. Aroma or taste ing from grape crops which are over ripe。

19. 烹烤味:当葡萄汁或葡萄酒在高温下加热,尤其是在与空气接触的条件下加热时所产生的一种口感。也指来自过熟的葡萄的香气和口感。

20. Corked taste, corkiness, corky。 Taste imparted to bottled wines by defective or mouldy corks。

21. 酒塞味:装瓶后的葡萄酒由于酒塞低劣或发霉变质而带上的味道。 Earthy taste。 Special taste resulting from the type of soil on which the grapes were grown。

22. 泥土味:由栽培葡萄的土壤类型所赋予葡萄酒的特殊口味。 Flowery。 Aroma of a wine which suggests the perfume of a flower, especially in young wines。

23. 花香的:葡萄酒尤其是年轻葡萄酒中令人联想起花朵芬芳的香气。 Flinty odour。 A characteristic odour taste of some dry wines made from grapes grown on certain siliceous soils。

24. 燧石般的气味:某些干葡萄酒的典型气味,它们以在高硅酸盐土壤中生长的葡萄酿制。 Herbaceous。

25. Taste of the wine from certain cultivars。 Characterizes a plant odour reminiscent of green grass, imparted by hexanol or hexanal。

26. 草本植物的:以某些品种的葡萄生产的葡萄酒的口味特征。乙醇或乙醛所产生的青草般的植物气息是它的特点。

27. Hydrogen sulphide odour。 Objectionable taste and odour due to the presence of hydrogen sulphide resulting from the reduction of sulphur or of sulphur dioxide。

28. 硫化氢味:由于葡萄酒中的硫或二氧化硫被还原成硫化氢,而产生的一种恶劣口感和令人讨厌的气味。 Mouldy taste, musty taste。

29. Flavour imparted to a wine by mouldy grapes or storage in mouldy casks。

30. 霉味:由于葡萄发霉或贮存在发霉的酒桶中而使葡萄酒带上的不良风味。 Mousiness。 Disagreeable flavour and aroma of wines recalling the smell of mice results from bacterial infection。

31. 鼠臭:令人联想起老鼠味的恶劣气味,是由细菌侵染葡萄酒造成的。 Pharmaceutical taste。

32. Unpleasant taste sometimes acquired by wines sotred near odoriferous chemicals。

33. 药味:当葡萄贮藏在有味的化学物质附近时,有时会带上的一种令人不快的杂味。 Rancio taste。

34. A special taste and odour resulting from oxidation and developed during the aging of certain wines。

35. A desirable character in old tawny ports and some other fortified wines。

36. 哈味:某些葡萄酒在陈酿过程中由于氧化而产生的一种特殊的口感和气味。对茶色波尔图酒以及其他一些类型的加强葡萄酒而言这种口感和气味是人们所期待的特征。

37. S Salty。 One of the basic tastes, mainly due to mineral salts。

38. 咸的:一种基本的味道,主要来自矿物盐类。 Smoke taste。 The special taste of some wines, usually somewhat harsh and recalling that of smoke。

39. 烟味、烟熏味:一些葡萄酒所具有的特殊味道,通常有些粗糙,令人联想起烟尘。 Sour-sweet, sweet-sour。

40. The taste of a wine which contains excess acid and is at the same time sweet。

41. Sometimes due to the presence of mannitol and lactic acid formed by bacteria。

42. 酸甜的、甜酸的:当甜葡萄酒中含有过量酸时的口感,有时是由于葡萄酒中存在甘露醇和由细菌产生的乳酸。

43. Stale。 Lack of bouquet and freshness of a wine through too much aeration or infection with film yeasts。

44. 走味的、沉滞的:由于通风过度或受产膜酵母的侵染,葡萄酒变得缺乏香气及新鲜爽口感。 Sulphur taste。

45. Taste of wine containing excess of SO 硫味、二氧化硫味:当葡萄酒中含有超量的二氧化硫时所具有的气味。

46. Tart。 Term applied to wine with high acidity made from grapes not pletely rip。

47. 酸的、尖酸的:用于描述以未完全成熟的果实酿制出的高酸度的葡萄酒。 Taste of lees。 Unpleasant taste acquired by wines kept for too long on their lees。

48. 酒渣味:由于葡萄酒与酒渣接触时间过长而带上的令人不快的味道。 Vinous。 1Term applied to a wine tasting as though it has a very high alcohol content。

49. 2)Term applied to the basic odour and flavour of red wine。

50. Violet。 Special aroma of certain wines resembling the perfume of violets。



1.从葡萄浆果果实本身所含的色素物质中来! 但影响红葡萄酒的颜色主要与葡萄的品种和成熟度有关: 品种:深色的如赤霞珠、黑比诺,浅色的如品丽珠、玫瑰香等,无疑前者酿出的葡萄酒会颜色深些。

2. 成熟度:葡萄浆果生长期分幼果期、转色期、成熟期和过熟期四个阶段,最佳阶段是成熟期(注意这是第三个阶段),这一时期葡萄达到品种固有的大小和色泽,含酸量迅速降低,含糖量上升,这一时期约持续35-50天,才能保证色素物质含量最高但酸度不过低。

3. 此外:如一楼所说,许多企业为了加深红葡萄酒的颜色,会往酒中加如调色的葡萄原酒或天然色素,但这不仅大大提高了成本,而且降低了酒的质量;当然也有个别企业会使用廉价但对身体有害的工业色素成分,这里略咯。

4. 其他工业原因:这些问题相对专业化,我尽量简明说: 比如设备原因:你的发酵器是水泥池还是碳钢罐还是橡木桶,会影响发酵过程中的压力、浸渍度、色素浸提程度;再比如酿酒师的水平:酿酒师的主要工作是倒罐,倒罐可以干吗呢?




那是醋酸菌发酵造成的,如果量比较少的话,可以用小一点的容器加满葡萄酒并密封,这样乙酸就可以和乙醇发生酯化反应,消除酸味了,但乙酸产生多了 就难纠正了



